You’ll need a copy of the Blood Bowl: the Official Rules to use this pitch. Each dugout features the usual Score, Turn, and Re-roll trackers, plus Reserves, Knocked-out and Casualty boxes. The package includes a pair of double-sided dugouts to match the two styles of pitch. Supplied with a Subterranean Weather Table – exclusive rules featuring “weather” effects appropriate to underground sports brutality! Play your games of Blood Bowl on this double-sided card pitch! It features a filthy, horrible Skaven pitch on one side – the reeking, dank cavern is perfect for scuttling about on – and a much tidier, properly-hewn Dwarven stadium-vault on the other.

This article introduced Clan Rigens, the Skaven clan responsible for.

Skaven, on the other hand, scrabble together their ‘fields’ in the dank caves and sewage tunnels they call home, lit by veins of eerily-glowing warpstone… Skaven are one of the most distinctive races in Warhammer lore and their flagship Blood Bowl team the Scramblers have been a staple of the game since its earliest days, first appearing via a supplement way back in White Dwarf 86 in 1987, shortly after the originals release. Dwarf team pitches are hewn from the living rock of the mountains, worked with the finest craftsmanship, everything made to regulation. The one trait they share is the fact that their stadiums are built deep underground – but that’s where the resemblance ends. Skaven and Dwarf teams have next to nothing in common.